Friday 14 September 2012

Murder Mystery Melody

Argyll Hotel presents an evening of intrigue, comedy and a good old sing song. This is a murder mystery with a difference where the show also includes an array of well known songs. Be part of the investigation as our singing characters belt out the old favourites. You can join in as much as you wish so that if you want to solve the clues you can, but if you just want to sit back, sing along and have a good time then that is fine too (we do provide song sheets). We include a sequence of scripted scenes that are performed throughout the event, usually right in the middle of the audience(yes,you could be standing next to an argument or a song or even a fight when it breaks out!). Carefully constructed clues are provided and the actors are briefed with a comprehensive array of information so that they can be reliably interrogated by the audience. Information can be obtained from the actors, from the clues and from the scenes; the more you dig,the more you find out. Themes include: Christmas Valentine 70’s Disco ABBA The Musicals Rock and Roll Ratpack Please Contact 0141 3373313 for more details

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